Uh, okay. Meiosis.
Hey, Ben.
Be there for you, man,
every game.
We want Ben! We want Ben!
We want Ben!
Daric ended up writing
an article about me.
He even won some kind
of journalism award for it.
lt was some bullshit article
about affirmative action
in school sports
to rile everyone up.
We want Ben! We want Ben!
But l had to give it to him...
The article worked.
lf anyone at school didn't know
what affirmative action was,
they did now.
Aw sh... Ben, Ben, get in.
Go on. Get the fuck in there.
Math or verbal?
What the fuck do you want?
So how does it feel
to be famous?
Come on.
Why'd you quit the team?
l was doing my job.
You call that piece-of-shit
article journalism?
You didn't even interview
my coach for his views.
l did.
He, uh, didn't say
what l wanted him to,
so l didn't put it in the story.
Fucking prick.
lt's just an article.
lf you really liked
what you were doing,
you should have
just kept on playing.
And have everybody think
l'm on the team
because l'm some token player?
Who cares
what other people think?
Oh, yeah?
Well, people also think