Get the fuck off my car.
Damn, dude.
Dude, you got to tell Stephanie
her boyfriend's boning
some white chick.
lt's none of my business.
What the fuck are
you talking about?
You tell her and
you get bonus points.
l'm not gonna be some rat.
Besides, l don't
even know for sure.
Come on, Ben. Look...
This... is for buddies.
And this is where
he had his hands...
which is for lovers.
God! Get off me!
Am l right, Han?
Daric, where you going?
Mm. Oh, sh...
Yo, fuck her, man.
Let's go drink.
Shit. No, Daric!
Whose party is this?
Susie Berk's.
Are we invited?
You don't need an invitation.
Just hear about it and you go.
They're all fucking
drunk, anyway.
So, is everyone buzzed?
Yo, can l have a light?
Thanks, dude.
Let's go around back.