We had the run of the place.
Rumors about us came
and went fast and furious.
One had us linked
with some Chinese Mafia.
And it was fine with us
because it just put more fear
in everyone.
Along with that power
came greed.
lt just made sense to expand
our business into drugs,
putting the law of supply
and demand into practice.
l think our teacher
would've been proud.
Let me see this thing.
Fuck off.
lt's got no name brand on it.
Sorry, Virg.
Fuckin' dick.
Stop crying.
lt's a piece-of-shit
CD player anyway.
Fuck you!
Now you can buy three of 'em.
l soon learned that along with
an image, came maintenance.
l needed something
to help expand my days.
lt's literally a full-time job
just to make people believe
who you're supposed to be.
Four cheat sheets a day,
the drugs, the scams--
between this and
all my club commitments,
l couldn't even start
my homework until 1 :00 a.m.