That thing is my life!
Ifyou've lost it, then you've killed me.
Simple as that.
Draw a I i ne of chal k around me,
because I am dead!
[ Monty]
I understand that.
No, you don't.
You always say that.
No, you don't!
Did you check your jacket pocket?
What do I look like, a moron?.
No, if you remember
that one time--
Fine, Monty, fine.
If it'll make you happy, I'll check my jacket pocket.
It's in there.
[ Sighs ]
Uh, hello?. Excuse me.
Hey, how's it goin'?.
Ah, who are you?.
Jason Shepherd.
Remember me?.
I wrote Big Fat Liar.
Ah-- [ Laughs ]
Monty, hold my calls.
Give me a few minutes alone
here with Mr. Shepherd.
Well, well, well.
Jason Shepherd!
The young man from Greenbury, Michigan.
I must tell you,
this is quite a surprise.
What can I do for you, amigo?.
I want you to call my dad
and tell him you stole the story from me.
Call your dad?. Why?.
Because it's the truth, and you're
the only one he'll believe.
You traveled halfway
across the country...
to get me to call your dad
and tell him you did your homework?.
You make that phone call,
and you will never hear from me again.
- Okay.
- Really?.
It's a great piece ofwork, kid.
And I'm not just blowing smoke.
I refer back to it whenever
I get in a bind on the script.
So you'll give it back to me
and make the phone call?.