Hey, Marty, I like your new coloring.
It works foryou.
You did this?.
And it can end anytime.
All you have to do is make
one phone call to my dad.
Shouldn't be much of a
problem since that headset
is superglued toyour ear!
Here's my dad's number.
Call me.
Rotten kids!
[ Horn Honking,
Alarm Blaring ]
[ Alarm Blaring,
Loud Rock Blaring ]
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[ Horn Honks ]
- That's it!
- [ Noises Stop ]
Oh... my... God!
I'm gonna kill you!
Take it easy, man.
It wasn't my fault.
- The oldbag rear-endedme.
- Eat my boobies, blue boy!
That's very nice. That's really charming
from a woman of your advanced years.
Have a nice day!
It's just the tire.
You're gonna pay for this!
All right, listen... "Masher"
I'm sure we can come to
some monetary arrangement.
Yeah, that's what I thought,
tough guy!