I'm sorry. The emotions
in this movie are just so painful.
They are painful because--
'cause they hit home,
right here... in the old corazon.
Who among us hasn't told
a little white lie?
I have.
Anybody else?. You?.
[Man ]
You?. It's all right,
don't be ashamed, brother,
because I am right there with you.
I am right there with you.
You're all right, man.
Because our picture...
looks the audience
right in the eye...
and says enough is enough!
Lying has gotta stop.
The truth and the truth alone
shall set you free!
Friends, God bless all of you.
God bless America,
and God bless Big Fat Liar!
[ Cheering ]
Very impressive, Marty.
Now, does this mean that you
will approve the budget?.
You start shooting tomorrow.
That's great.
But if anything, and I mean
anything, goes wrong,
your movie, your deal
at the studio...
and your career
will be over, you hear me?.
[ Laughs ]
Shepherd, you are
a genius, buddy! Huh?.
[ Imitating Punches Landing ]
You ready to make that call?.
Time to let my fingers
do the walking.
- Here's my dad's phone number.
- All right. Ah, Daddy.
Ah. Hello,
this is MartyWolf.
I am standing here in mykitchen
withJason Shepherd.
I'm lookin' at him as we speak.
And you better bring backup.
[ Phone Disconnects ]
What are you doing?. I thought
you were on the phone with my dad.
Oh, I was on the phone, all right,
but it ain't with your old man.