You see?
You see the difference?
You ask a guy
what he wants --
tits or an ugly fish --
see what he tells you.
-- Probably...
-- Tits!
I gotta boogie.
Hey, she should
be leaning over
for maximum exposure.
maximum exposure...
Anna; Maximum exposure?
That's advertising
Oh, I see.
T o what do I owe
this pleasure?
Uh, did you happen to lose
a pair of reading glasses
last night?
I don't wear glasses.
Oh, well, then,
I guess I made the trip
for nothing.
I'll need them one day --
not right this minute.
Well, things change.
I'll need them.
Um, hey, could I offer you
some coffee?
That would be wonderful.
It's more of a dare
than an offer, actually.
Did the police
find anything?
after meeting Arthur,
they figure
I'm the primary suspect.
[ Sniffs ] So...
How do you, uh...
Iike it?
Oh, light and...sweet.
I forgot my jacket.
Got room for a third?
No harm in asking.
I hope
I didn't hurt you.
[ Clears throat ]
No, no, that's --
Didn't know I was, um --
well, we should go.
Let's -- let's, uh...
It's probably a good idea.
You should go.
Eliot: Later that day,
Arthur Herk stopped by to have
a friendly chat with his boss.