This is
a security announcement.
Would all passengers ensure
that they keep their luggage
with them at all times.
Unattended baggage
will cause a security alert.
Flight 179 from Rome
has now landed...
I'm -- I'm John.
Is that everything?
It's about 40 miles
from here.
Don't know if you've had
a chance to look at the map.
Close to London,
but it's a city in itself.
I'm having a problem
with ants.
It's the warmer weather.
I can't seem to find
the nest.
Do, um --
this is strange, isn't it?
I mean ants, you know?
I'm having a problem
with ants.
It looks like
it might rain.
So, you're a smoker.
I thought you were
a nonsmoker.
Sorry. Do you understand
what I'm saying?
-- Yes.
-- Good. Good.
-- Or should I
speak slower?
-- Yes.
Do you -- Do you follow
or should I speak slower?
Um... are you a giraffe?