"Hello." She say
"hello" to you, John.
It's good.
Go for it.
Do you like England?
That's a classic.
Hey, whew!
Thanks God she say "yes"!
Go, go, go, go.
Can't think
of anything.
Okay, now, Nadia --
she has secret to tell.
Okay, she says that
she watched you at airport...
I saw you standing there
by the gate...
She says,
When I was a little girl,
my father had these
beautiful, old glasses
for watching the birds.
Binoculars. Okay.
That he had kept from the war.
I would pretend binoculars
was a camera,
and I would take pictures
of the things I loved.
The day before
I left Russia,
my father gave me
the old binoculars...
And he said that
when I was to see you,
I was to stand far away...
And look at you
through the binoculars...
and if you were a bad person,
I could run away.
She say,
She took picture...
In the head.
Took mental picture.