My launching pad is only
three blocks away, remember?
Let's continue, to the Moon.
To the Moon.
Can't we spend a quiet evening,
like, alone?
Well, we're expecting
Professor Reaburn to notify us.
The fellas ought to all be
together in case he does.
He's grand.
What's wrong with him?
He's just tossing and turning.
I'll get him. I'll get him.
I'll settle him down.
Anyway, Mum's home.
Oh, God.
What a night, huh?
How'd you enjoy baby-sitting?
-All right.
-You been feeding him?
Hello, wee man. Hello.
Was he good for you?
Aye, he was good as gold,
so he was.
Oh, see him playing up now
for me.
That's always the way.
Where'd youse go?
Up the Stardust.
The usual, you know,
just for a few drinks.
That's all I need
on a Saturday night.
Look, I'm just taking Hester
back down to town.
Right, okay. You be careful.
Aye, I'll be grand.
No, I mean it.
I don't want you
getting lifted again.
I'll be all right.
See ya.
Are you going next week?
Aye, may as well.
Be a good crack.
Aye, I'll be all right.
Hopefully they'll
keep the boys out.
I'll keep them away from you.
Come around Jackie's...
No, he's not.
How're you doing?