Come on, let's get moving.
Let's get some pace
till where we're secure.
He's going to get a brief
from Corporal.
Sigs on me.
Get HQ up on the net now.
Move the vehicles
out of that line of sight.
Tell me where the sentries
are fully posted.
Okay, if there is
a sniper threat today
it's coming from over there.
Make sure you've
got that covered.
Yes, Colonel, we're currently
putting a covert O.P.
out on to the derelict site
down William Street.
I'll let you know
as soon as that's in place.
We've got the whole,
I've got the company in?
We're established.
Can you just confirm
we're gonna brief up
the troop commanders shortly?
Yeah, okay.
Is Gerry about, is he?
Ah, come on, Mary,
we have to go to Mass here.
Come on now, Mary,
open the door.
Keep it down, okay?
Ah, the wee man's asleep, is he?
What's the crack with you?
Hey, the Brits are here.
The Pigs are everywhere here.
The Bogside's crawling with 'em.
Geez. Holy shit.
Okay, I'm up, I'm up, I'm up.
Lads, I count a dozen
for APCs as well.
But there's more at the bottom
of Rossville Street.
At the corner
of the Craigavan Bridge as well.
...are everywhere, hey.
It was on the radio
this morning!
-Come on!
Get a move on, man.
Oh, fuck's sake,
are your trousers too tight
or your balls too big?
Ah, you're just jealous, man.
Oh, sorry.
Wee man, you all right?
Aye, we'll be all right, Mary.
One day, Mary, he'll grow up to
be a good stone thrower himself.
Go on, youse.
Where are you going now?
I'm going to Mass, Mary.
I'll be back later on.
Can you see any, aye?
Oh, yeah.
Look, look.
Look at this, hey.