so I'm bringing everybody
down here.
The march is coming down here.
These guys are gonna be
right here.
So, nobody's getting
through here.
William Street is the key thing.
-Do we have enough stewards?
-We have enough.
Michael, will you go
and ask the other fellas
to come down
as quickly as possible, please?
-ls that the Provos?
-The Provos are down there.
What the hell
are they doing here?
Well, they're
just sniffing about.
I think they must think
that the Brits have invaded
the place.
Oh, Jesus, I've been
down William Street.
-Have you spoken to them yet?
I'm-I'm gonna have a quick word
with the Commanding Officer
in just a moment.
I will, I will.
-Well, I'll see you down there.
Stress to those boys that we're
in control up here, will ya?
Yep. Yep. How do?
My name is lvan Cooper.
I'm a Member of Parliament
for this area.
-Come on, sir, back off.
-Uh, sorry.
You couldn't do us a favor
and move this back a bit?
It's just the march is coming...
No, you're not, mate.
You're participating
in an illegal march, sir.
Now back off from the barricade.
Back off
from the barricade, sir.
What gives you the right
to stop us marching in our city?
You're participating
in an illegal march.
Who says that?
The sooner we can march
in our own city...
We're just doing our job.
Back off.
...to the Guildhall, the sooner
we'll have civil rights.
We're just doing our job.
Back off.
Well, it's a basic principle
of democracy.
Northern lreland Government
has barred this march.
Right, thank you.
No, I can't get
through to them.
Oh, hold on.
Mrs. Hegarty, I hope
you're joining us today.
Now, no excuses.
I can't. It's me Uncle John.
He's been on bucket all night.
Uh-huh, that's right.
Was it the beer, aye?
No, it wasn't.
He's sick, Mr. Cooper.
All right, Mrs. Hegarty.
Listen up. What are we gonna do?
We're gonna march.
Are you sure about this?
We've gotta march,
we've gotta march, Kevin.
I'll tell you, listen,
if we don't march
civil rights is dead
in this city.
The movement's dead.
We have got to march.
Sort the stewards out.
I'm gonna talk to the Provos.
-Okay. All right.
-Keep it up.
Right, gentlemen.
Be very careful.
Just go straight home.
There's a huge military buildup,
and they've got us surrounded.
Father, I'm going to miss you.
Yeah. Keep your eye on the...
on the young people, okay?
Mind yourself. Hiya, lads.
Listen, there's a lot
of Army around, okay?
Ah, don't worry, Father.
So be very careful, lads, okay.
-Listen, thanks very much.
Hiya, Gerry,
I wanna have a chat with you.
Listen, lads, I'll see youse,
yeah, okay?
Ah, youse boys wait for me,
right. I'll be up nigh.
How long have you been out now?
I'm out three weeks now, Father,
so I am.
So, what's the plans?
Well, I'm trying to get a job
but, uh, it's hard work trying
to get one with a record.
Things will pick up, you know
but the one thing, Gerry,
you gotta be careful
you don't get nabbed
rioting again.
I am, I'll be rioting again,