Bloody Sunday

Ivan, it's all very well for you
sitting pretty

with your wee Westminster
paycheck every week.

Marching's not gonna solve
this thing.

Watch us.
Welcome to the Eighth Brigade,

Thank you very much.
Good trip.

Where's Maurice?
Lieutenant Colonel Steele, sir.
How are you, Pat?
I'm very well. Thank you, sir.
It's good to see you.
And you, sir.
I've had a briefing come through
from Downing Street

and the Prime Minister
really has had enough

of this Londonderry rebellion.
All right? Shall we go through?
Stand up.
Good man.
-Sergeant Major!
-Hello, sir.

How are you?
-I'm fine, sir.
-Good to see you again.

And you, sir.
Okay, carry on.
Cup of tea, cup of coffee, sir?
Yes, please.
Yes, thank you, Michael.
The briefing's ready
when you are.


Well, I just, uh, wanted to say,

that the men were rather bucked
when they heard
that we were going

to be coming across.
Oh, good.
I'm very pleased to hear it.

Yes, sir.
Everything's set for today?
-I think so, sir, yes.

Their intention, at present
is to move along William Street
all the way along...

-Past Aggro Corner?
-Well, that's right, sir.

...into the city center
and on to the Guildhall

where they'll be having
their rally.

As it is, we're gonna stop them
here at barrier 14
with the Raw Green Jackets.
