Bloody Sunday

Will you just take care of that
for me, please?

You're getting very late.
One second.
The British Army's surrounded
the entire city.

Well, I think that shows you
that they are very threatened

by the voice that we are trying
to get across here.

But is this not...?
That's about them;
that's not about us.

We're trying to have a peaceful
march against internment

and a peaceful march
for civil rights.

They're alleging that you're
creating a confrontation.

Well, what do you think
they would say?

What we need to do is
split each...

All right, sorry, folks.
This is Fort George.
This is... RUC station.
That's in Rosemont.
So, what we do is we come in
from different routes in turn.

They come in from the south,
and come in near Rosemont.

Excellent idea, Eamonn.
No, that won't work.
It will work, lvan.
We confuse them, we get them
to spread their troops.

No, I'm saying it won't work.
Have you something to say here?
I'm saying,
"Forget about the Guildhall."

I've just come from there
this morning.

I've walked through there.
They're building up
a massive military presence.

If we take the lorry down there
with thousands behind it

we're not going to get through,

This is completely wrong.
I don't think,
I don't think it's actually...

I don't think it's responsible
for us to say
it's going to be fine

just because
we want it to be fine.

We do have to look
at the realities

that there is a very severe
dispersal problem there.

I am not taking a reroute.
I am not taking a reroute,
and I'm not selling out.

-You're not what?
-It's not a sellout.

Oh, no, here, wait, Kevin.
Wait, excuse me,
say that again, please.

You're not, what,
you're not selling out?

Bernadette, I have been marching
in this city

just as long as you
and your college friends

and I have never
sold anyone out, not ever.

But there are 3,000
British soldiers out there

and I am not going to use
our people like cannon fodder.

Now, either we reroute--
turn right up Rossville Street

hold the meeting
at Free Derry Corner--

or I walk away,
and I will tell my constituents

-to walk away as well.
-You'll do what?

All the work
these people have done--

that's it, up in smoke?
Listen, we delegate two people--
Bridget, you can be one,
John, Eamonn can be another--

to walk down to the Guildhall

That's a good solution.
I just hope everybody knows
in time.

They will, they will.
All right.
Get that sorted out.
Right, um...
