But she's from lrish Street
and you're from the Bogside.
You know, at the end of the day
she's like, you know,
a Protestant.
I'm not saying I've got anything
against her, like
'cause she's a nice girl
but I just don't want you
and her to get into trouble.
Are you thinking
about getting married here?
Aye, I will be.
Well, what do you think your mam
and daddy would say?
Look, leave my mam and daddy
out of it.
Your sister's just looking out
for you.
Look, you stay out of it.
Look, I'm just worried,
that's all.
You know, I worry about you
every time you go
outside the door.
I don't want anything
to happen to you.
Everybody in these flats here--
they worry about their children
whenever they go out at night.
Look, I'll be all right.
All I want to do is
to look after you
and look after Dennis
and defend this area
from the likes
of them boys there.
What do you mean,
the likes of me?
You know,
with working for the Brits.
You'd think you would have got
a decent job.
It's working for the Brits
putting that food on the table
so don't be complaining.
Can we not have
this conversation
at the table, please?
I suppose you think throwing
a couple of stones
is going to solve it, son,
do you?
Aye, well,
it's kept them out of here
for a while now, hasn't it?
If it wasn't for us, you still
wouldn't be living here.
Just remember that.
Aye, you really believe that,
do you, eh?
Aye, I do, actually.
Right, okay.
Look, Mary, I'm going to go out.
I'll see you later on.
I'll be all right. Don't worry.
Look after yourself, okay?
Are you listening to me?
I don't want you to end up
back in prison
'cause you can't marry her
from in there.
I'll be all right. Don't worry.
I'll chat to you after.
Oh, yes. Hi.
Oh, now, Meg, I dunno.
Somewhere between ten
and a million. How's that?
Okay, talk to you later. Bye.
All right?
-Here's your tea.
Yeah. What time are you going?
I don't know, an hour.
Jesus. How about you?
I'm on duty till half two.
Derry Journal
and lrish News want
to talk to you.
What, now?