Bloody Sunday

We'll have sent them home
by then.

Aye, right.
Boys, they should be doing
a bit more

-do you not think?

We do all the work, Jimmy.
Frigging sure, after what
happened to McGilligan.

Are you up for it, Jimmy?
Up for it?
I'll be up on the front line.
I'll be up on the front line.

That's a promise.
Brits out, Brits out.
What do you think, Gerry?
-Brits out?

We'll all get the Brits out

-Are you up for it?

We're gonna move forward
to give you a wee bit
of leeway, right.

Make sure you get
all that there.

Sweep all the way right down...
Iook at that.

We shall overcome,
we shall overcome

We shall overcome
My God, they'll never
stop us now, boys.

...Deep in our hearts...
The whole of Bogside is here.
...I do believe
That we shall overcome someday.
...moving now. Over.
Six-One Yankee,
the crowd are on the move.

We have a go.
All right, gentlemen.
Sergeant Major, pass it on,
the crowd's on the move.

Pass it out to the O.P.,
the crowd's on the move.

...that they are ready.
Here we go.
Sigs, Sigs, make sure
all call signs know

the march is on the move now.
-What do we want?

-When do we want them?

-What do we want?

-When do we want them?

Who'd have thought it, eh?
Okay, stewards, keep the front
of the lorry clear, please.

Willie, Willie,
come here, please.

Yeah, get the whole stream,
the whole way up.

Oh, I can see 'em.
I can't see the end of it.
