The march is proceeding
to the right.
If you go that way, you'll have
no part in this demonstration.
They're turning the wrong way,
They're going right.
We going to get
to the Guildhall.
We're going to the Guildhall.
Come on. Push through them.
Come on, Gerry.
Gerry, good man, good man.
Let's give them hell!
A small number
from the middle of the crowd
are breaking away,
I repeat, breaking away.
Running down towards
serial One-Four. Over.
Running down towards
serial One-Four. Over.
This demonstration is proceeding
to the right.
Ivan, I told you
this would happen.
Keep them coming this way!
Follow peacefully to the right,
thank you.
Keep coming this way!
Just relax, man.
Listen, we have got
to keep the crowd going.
If the truck keeps going
to Free Derry Corner
that will be the beacon.
They will follow it.
Right, you stay here.
I'm going down to the barrier.
Okay, everyone, come on.
Everyone behind the lorry.
Follow the lorry.
We must stick together.
Stick together, folks.
We're not splitting up.
No trouble today.
We're not going
to the Guildhall.
Stay behind the lorry.
We are sticking together.
Come on.
Sorry, no, folks, wrong way.
We're supposed to go back
to Free Derry Corner.
Let me through there, folks.
They're past barrier 12
and are actually, in fact,
heading directly for us.
Yeah, that's
just what we predicted.
Yes, indeed.
Well, you'd better
stand the men by.
Just coming down there now, sir.
This isn't the march, this is...
This is the breakaway group.
They're coming down
to barrier 14.
They're trying to get
to the Guildhall.
Yobbos, obviously trying
to cause some trouble.
Get out!
Get out to fuck,
you British bastards.
Boys, get back, get back!
Get out to fuck.
That's Cooper, boys.
Out! Out! Brits out!
Have you got your stones?
I've got stones.