The Army shot him.
They shot an old man...
Damien, are you all right?
Can you hear me, Damien?
The bastards.
Jesus Christ, a man's been shot.
Bastards shot my cousin.
I can't believe
they shot me cousin.
The boys are going in!
I can't believe
they shot me cousin.
The boys are going in.
They shot the old man!
Five-Six Bravo,
confirm your situation.
What were the rounds
we just heard? Over.
Okay, sir, the O.P. has
just fired five rounds.
They've inflicted
two casualties.
I think it was nail bombs
or shooting.
They're getting a lot of aggro.
They got a lot of crowd.
They're firing baton rounds,
That's one incoming!
Get down off the wall.
We've just had one round
across the guards
at the wall, sir.
What the hell are you doing?!
They shot the old man!
It's unauthorized,
for Christ's sake.
Get the car here!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
They've shot the old man!
They shot the old man.
You fucking bastard.
There's women and children
out there!
Get your hands off my weapons.
You bastards!
Fucking bastards!
Fucking shot me cousin!
Die, you bastards!
Go on, you bastards!
Fucking shot me cousin.
Go on, bastards!
Brits out! Brits out! Brits out!
I think it's time
for the Paras to go in.
They've got a lot of aggro
just the other side of the wall.
They've got some kids
over there.
We should get them
down off that wall.
We're not going
to get across there
if they've got
that wall covered.
-We've got to get out of here.
I don't think we'll get
the Company across safely.
We'll do it with the vehicles.
So, we're gonna ax this totally?
We're not going over the wall?
No, we'll do it in the vehicles.
Support Company in the vehicles,
"A" and "C" on foot.
Change of plan--
we're not going over the wall.
We're gonna go up James Street
through barrier 12
where the Light Air
Defense Regiment is
download at James Street
and do a scoop up with Charlie
Company at Aggro Corner.
We're moving in two minutes.
Inform the O.P. now
that there's a change of plan.