- I would have never gone. - She was perfectly positioned.
If she had the balls to charge... Why does the sun rise in the east?
What? Why does the sun rise in the east?
Because it sets in the west.
Because that's the way the Earth rotates.
Do you remember that Superman episode...
where he was, like, spinning around the Earth backwards...
trying to rotate it in the other direction?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. To bring back time?
- I thought you finished. - I did. I'm just checking it.
- It doesn't look like you're finished. - Geez. Stop picking on her.
She's getting it done now.
We're on our way to school. She should have it done.
- She's just checking it. - I did it last night. I'm checking it.
Penny.! Penny.! What?
- No ditching. - Okay.
- It sucks to be you. - Yeah, it does.
Someone's got to go to college, honey. Not me.
Oh, shoot! It's Mr. Pakui.
Remember how he had pee stains all the time?
Looks like he learned how to shake right.
Hi, Mr. Pakui. Anne Marie, This is the eighth time...
your sister's been tardy in the last month.
I know. Traffic... If you think surfing is more important than school,
we got to make other arrangements.
You know what, Mr. Pakui, The only other arrangement I can think of is my mother.
And she just so happens to be with her latest meal ticket in Vegas...
who apparently isn't so cool with the kid's menu, you know what I mean?
So right now, this is the best arrangement I can do.
You know, Penny's a smart girl. Yeah, she is.
Just like her sister was.
Is. Present tense. I learned that much while I was here.
You better watch it, girl.
I'm doing the best I can do. That's all I can say.
You can do better. All right.
Like, he's so ripping in that aloha shirt anyway. I thought he was hot.
You did kind of peak in seventh grade. Shut up, Lena.
Sexually, she means. What is this, like, bag on Anne Marie?