Blue Crush

Seventeen fifty-three. That's kama'aina price?
No kama'aina for candy. Ohh.
Come on, Leilani, it's breakfast. Yeah.
Breakfast? Right. Sorry, girls. $17.53. This has corn syrup in it.
It's a vegetable. It's nutritional.
No. It has sugar. It turns into fat. And fat comes out like me. Okay?
So, $17.53. All right, I've got five.
- How much do you have? - I got some cash.
- Hold on, I got, like... - What is this?
I don't know, like 70, 60...
That's pathetic. What is that?
I didn't say I had a lot. I said I had some.
What happened to the five bucks I gave you yesterday?
I bought food for Sammi. It's not even our dog.
Dog's gotta eat. So do I. I'm hungry.
- Eat the rest of this Twinkie. - I don't want it. I want breakfast.
- Twinkie is breakfast. -
It's Keala Kennelly. She's living the life.
Must be here for the contest. Check thosejet skis out.
- So fine. - All right, let's fill these bad boys.
Let's get on it. It's gonna be a busy day.
She's with her Billabong sponsor. Introduce yourself. No.
Why not? It's not weird. Because it's weird.
Yes. No.
- Hi. Can we have your autograph? - Yeah, sure.
I'll get you a pen. Thanks.
Hey, I remember this shot. What a life.
She gets a grand every time she's in a magazine.
Five grand every time she's on the cover.
- You surf? - Yeah.
She gets free clothes, boards, watches, sunglasses.
The girl doesn't have to open her wallet.
You score one good wave at Pipe Masters...
and you'll get sponsored just like her.
You'll get flown all around the world.
Surf Indo, Australia, Tahiti, you name it.
Surf the world, baby. And you'll get paid to surf uncrowded, perfect waves.
We'll see you at the contest. Okay. Thanks a lot.
All you need to do is get noticed.
- Surfer girls. - Local girls.
You know you're just as good as her.
We gotta go to work, guys. We're gonna be late, again.
