Sorry about that. It's just, uh, kinda strange with the time difference.
I should probably go. It's getting late.
All right. Do we have a surf lesson tomorrow?
Definitely. All right.
Bye. Bye.
I thought you were just giving him lessons.
I did. Huh. Yeah, in what?
Penny didn't finish her homework.
- You weren't here to help me. - She's got to do her homework.
Don't give us shit 'cause you were out there working it.
Shut up. Don't deny it.
You were working it like a rib without sauce. Shut up... Ow!
Well, what happened? Oh, my God. Nothing.
Oh, sure. Tell me what happened.
No. Did you get some play? Huh?
- Did you? Did you? - We kissed for two seconds. It wasn't a big deal.
I'm sure you did. How much am I supposed to buy that for?
What do you take me for? I don't know.
Seriously. What else? Come on.
Here, this will pay the bills.
There's, like, $1,000 here. I feel like your pimp.
You must know how to kiss. Or you must know how to do something else.
Good night, Penny. You're going to bed now.
Hey. What's up?
Look, I hate to be the buzzkill here, but the contest is in a week.
And I just don't think that it's time for...
I know. But I did promise him another lesson tomorrow.
- Can't you just blow him off? - No.