- Don't touch her. - What are you gonna do?
I've got his wallet. We're out of here. Let's go surf.
- Drew, stop! - Linemen aren't here to protect you, haole boy.
Walk away. Stop it. Why are you being like this?
Don't touch her. What are you gonna do?
Drew! Both of you! That's enough! Stop!
Get off! Get in the car! Stop it! Get in the car!
Stop it. Get in the car. Get in the car.
Walk away. You're an asshole.
I do what I do best.
Relax, bro. You kicked his ass. You kicked his ass.
You stupid monkey. Go back to the mainland.
This is bullshit.
And you expected to make it back in time?
I rented a jet ski. I know. I'm sorry. I said I was sorry a hundred times.
Whatever. She's good, man.
What'd she say?
She's messin' up, man.
Everything okay? Oh, yeah. We'll be okay.
I can see why the tourists here never leave their hotels.
Oh, don't say that. That's not real Hawaii.
They're just... They're just crazy.
They're so protective of their land and their waves, especially.
And their women?
I'm glad I'm here.