- Hey. Where are you? - Don't worry about it.
- You're at his room, huh? - It's none of your business.
I just wanna make sure Penny gets to school okay. Yeah, yeah.
Don't worry about it. What happened?
- I will tell you everything. - Come on, little hooch.
- Oh, my God. -
- All right. - Bye.
- Room Service. Can I help you? - I'd like to order breakfast.
Of course, Mrs. Tollman. What can I get you?
Uh, the blueberry waffles.
Well, aloha. Look at you, little miss princess.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So the glass slipper fit, huh?
I even went in the pool. Shut up!
You're so irritating. Was it my fault he abducted me...
and forced me to eat blueberry waffles?
Blueberry waffles? Where? Nice. Outside.
What are you doing? Helping.
Why? You're not a maid anymore. Don't be mad at me.