And so did this man,
the Oscar-winning actor
and president
of the National
Rifle Association,
Mr. Charlton Heston.
We come from a state
where everyone
loves to go hunting.
- Hah.
- Even the dogs.
- There were actually
two of the hunters at camp.
They thought
they'd get a few pictures
of the dog dressed up
as a hunter
to kind of just have some fun
around camp.
And one of the guys
had the idea that,
"Why don't we sling a rifle
on the dog's back
to make the pictures
a little more interesting.
The victim was kneeling down
in front of the dog
when the weapon slipped.
The one round went through
the victim's shin,
the right part of his shin,
and came out through
the back of his calf.
- Was the dog hauled off for any
period of time by the police?
- No, it wasn't. No.
Um, in Michigan,
the law basically states
that people can commit crimes
that animals
aren't some... form of,
uh, you know,
whatever that can
commit a crime.
- An animal cannot commit a crime
or be charged with a crime
in this state.
- Exactly.
- Is it possible that the dog
knew what it was doing?
- That, I don't know.
I really wouldn't be able
to tell you that.
The dog was cute
dressed up as a hunter,
there's no doubt about it.
I mean, it was a funny picture,
um, you know, to look at.
It was... it was kind of neat.
- Yup, this was the kind
of place I was from.
A box
of 270s.
- Coming up.
There you go.
- Perfect.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sorry about that, sorry.
- So I've been discharged.
- You don't need no gun control.
You know what you need?
We need some bullet control.
We need to control the bullets,
that's right.
I think all bullets
should cost $5,000.