the vitals on a...
on a human being,
if you ever had to shoot at one.
- The Michigan Militia
became known around the world
when, on April 19th, 1995,
two guys living in Michigan
who had attended
Militia meetings,
Timothy McVeigh
and Terry Nichols,
blew up the federal building
in Oklahoma City,
killing 168 people.
The Michigan Militia
wanted everyone to know
that they were nothing
like McVeigh and Nichols.
- This is an American tradition.
It's an American responsibility
to be armed.
If you're not armed,
you're not responsible.
Who's gonna defend your kids,
the cops?
The federal government?
No, none of them.
It's your job
to defend you and yours.
If you don't do it,
you're in dereliction of duty,
as an American. Period.
- We're here to let them
know we're here to help.
We're not the bogeymen
we're made out to be.
We're here to help and defend
the people of this country.
- I'm sure you guys
are the kind of people
that people would like
to have as their neighbour.
If somebody's in need,
you're there to help them.
- Pretty much. We're all normal
people. We all have regular jobs
and this is what we do
on our time.
- What kind of a job do you have?
- I'm a draftsman.
- How about you?
- Unemployed right now.
- Frank, what do you do
for a living?
- I work for
a heat trading company.
I drive a truck for 'em.
- Okay. How about you?
- I'm a real-estate negotiator
- Real-estate negotiator!
- White collar all the way.
- You don't bring that with you,
though, do you,
when you're negotiating
the real estate?
- No.
- Where do you live,
in suburban--
- Westland.
- So what do you have
in your home?
- Smith & Wesson 9-millimetre.
- Nine-millimetre?
- Yeah.
- And how about you?
- With hollow points.
- Twelve gage.
- Twelve gage at home?
- Yeah.
- How about you?
- M-16.
- At home?
- Yeah.
At the ready.
- I don't agree with that,
'cause you gotta worry about
where your arms are going.
- I know where they're gonna go
when I aim and shoot.
- Whose idea was the calendar?
- That'd probably be Christian.