- Good people.
- Good people.
- This just happens to be
a place where two young men
made very bad,
very wrong decisions.
And there's been international
notoriety as a result of it.
Other than that,
I don't know that Littleton
is a lot different
than a whole lot
of other suburban communities.
Economic Development P.R. Video
- Good morning, Mr. Edwards,
members of the board.
I'd like to report that
I've found the perfect location
for our new corporate office,
South Metro Denver.
You can see,
I don't need these.
Because South Metro Denver
has about the same amount
of sunshine and precipitation
as Southern California.
It's so incredible,
you're just gonna have
to see it for yourselves.
How's this look, Mr. Edwards?
Denny Fennel
Home Security Consultant
- We're south of Denver,
in a community called Littleton,
and this house is pretty much
your average middle-class
suburban home.
The burglar or the rapist
is still here
in the neighbourhood somewhere.
And so citizens
sometimes think that...
I have people tell me
all the time--
- Where exactly is the burglar
or rapist right now?
If I was to try and stab you
through this, right here,
you're gonna have to be
really close. Right?
- And here's the bottom line
on this.
- What if I had a spear?
- Now, downstairs is where
the safe-room was constructed,
and this is a solid-core door,
a very heavy door.
And now, the criminal
has to break through this door,
so you've created
another barrier.
- An axe would do it.
- An axe would do it.
I think that Columbine
did a couple of things.
One is that it changed how
we talk. That's the first thing.
- How's that?
- Well, for instance,
if I say "Columbine,"
everybody knows what it means.
I don't have to explain to you
that Columbine...