in the schools. We hope to help
both teachers and students
learn alternative ways
to deal with anger.
- So you don't think our kids
say to themselves:
"Well, gee, Dad goes off
to the factory every day
and, you know,
he built missiles." These
are weapons of mass destruction.
What's the difference
between that mass destruction
and the mass destruction
over at Columbine High School?
- I guess I don't see
that connection,
that specific connection,
because the missiles
that you're talking about were
built and designed to defend us
from somebody else who would be
aggressors against us.
Societies and countries
and governments do things
that annoy one another.
But we have to learn
to deal with that annoyance
or that anger or that
frustration in appropriate ways.
We don't get irritated
with somebody
and just 'cause we're mad
at them, uh,
drop a bomb or shoot at them,
or fire a missile at them.
[ What a Wonderful World
by Louis Armstrong ]
1953: U.S. overthrows
Prime Minister Mossadeq of Iran.
U.S. installs Shah as dictator.
1954: U.S. overthrows
President Arbenz of Guatemala.
200,000 civilians killed.
1963: U.S. backs assassination of
South Vietnamese President Diem.
1963-1975: American military kills
4 million people in Southeast Asia.
September 11, 1973:
U.S. stages coup in Chile.
Democratically-elected President
Salvator Allende assassinated.
Dictator Augusto Pinochet installed.
5,000 Chileans murdered.
1977: U.S. backs military rulers
of El Salvador.
70,000 Salvadorans and
four American nuns killed.
1980's: U.S. trains Osama bin Laden
and fellow terrorists to kill Soviets.
CIA gives them $3 billion.
1981: Reagan administration
trains and funds "contras".
30,000 Nicaraguans die.