- Hi, it's Izzy Povich
at NBC News.
We're calling about
the school shooting.
We're on the air live
right now on MSNBC.
Can you-- Is that something
you could just, literally,
patch through to my desk,
or you could tell us on the air?
I could put you through
right now--
- I understand that...
- Now they said he's gone
to the library;
he stayed in the building.
He's gone into the library
and he's in the building.
- Hi, this is Stephanie Gold
from Dateline. How you doing?
- Good, how are you?
- Fine, thanks.
- I love your show.
- Oh, I'm so glad. Thank you.
- I watch it every night.
- Thank you.
- Jefferson County 911.
- Yes, I'm a teacher
at Columbine High School. There
is a shooter here with a gun.
He just shot out a window.
- Has anybody been injured?
- Yes! And the school
is in a panic
and I'm in the library.
I've got students down.
Under the tables, kids!
Heads under the tables!
I saw a student outside!
I was on hall duty, I saw a gun!
"What's going on out there?!"
He turned the gun straight at us
and he shot, and my God,
the window went out.
The kid standing there with me,
I think he got hit.
- We've got help on the way,
- Oh God!
- Stay on line with me.
- Oh God!
[ gunfire ]
- I think he's shooting
in the library right now.
He's firing shots
from the library.
- Firing shots in the library.
- ...our way.
Do we need to leave?
Okay, hold on.
- ...inside the cafeteria
I'm gonna have to try and get
outta here and call you back.
- I called in before,
trying to find out
where I'm supposed to go
and they put me on hold
for freaking ever!
- Hi, it's Wendy at CNN still.
- Hi. We're just taking names
and numbers for the press.
- Fox has somebody from
your office on now--
- We've talked to
a bunch of people
and we can only do so many,
we got so many more calls
coming in.
- I gotta get to my daughter
at Columbine.
I've been trying for an hour, I
can't get anywhere near there...
- Sir, okay, calm down, okay?
- I think we're entitled
to information as parents
on where our children are!
- We have a lot of units
out there right now.
- I can't get anywhere near it.