had killed 12 students
and one teacher.
Dozens of others were wounded
by the over-900 rounds of ammo
that were fired. It is believed
that the guns that they used
were all legally purchased
at stores and gun shows.
And many of the bullets
were bought
at the Littleton K-Mart
just down the street.
- Harris's diary also detailed
ideas about hijacking
an airplane and crashing it
into New York City.
Some may characterize that
as fantasy...
- In the end, they turned
the guns on themselves.
- And then he came
into the library,
shot everybody around me,
then put a gun to my head
and asked if we all wanted
to die and...
- We started hearing shots
in the hall
and then they came in
and they all told us
to get under the desk
and we all got under the desk
and then they started coming in
the library and opening fire...
- I just started screaming
and crying and telling them
not to shoot me.
And so he shot the girl,
he shot her in the head
in front of me.
Then he shot the black kid,
because he was black.
- I have only five words for you:
From my cold, dead hands.
[ cheering ]
- Just 10 days after
the Columbine killings,
despite the pleas
of a community in mourning,
Charlton Heston came to Denver
and held a large pro-gun rally
for the National
Rifle Association.
- Good morning.
[ crowd ]: Good morning.
Thank you all
for coming and thank you for
supporting your organization.
I also want to applaud your
courage in coming here today.
I have a message
from the mayor,
Mr. Wellington Webb,
the mayor of Denver.
[ booing ]
- No, no, no, no, no.
He sent me this,
and it says: "Don't come here.
We don't want you here."