But when the sun sets
on Denver tonight,
and forever more, let it
always set on we the people,
secure in our land of the free
and home of the brave.
I, for one, plan to do my part.
Thank you.
[ cheering and clapping ]
- Or like when they had
their convention in Colorado,
a week, whatever,
the month after Columbine,
that was just stupid.
Just don't do that.
Of course you have "the right
to," but what are you doing?
Upsetting a whole city full of
people, why would you do that?
- This is Matt Stone.
He grew up in Littleton
and has fond memories
of Columbine.
- Yeah, Columbine,
it's just a crappy school
in the middle of a bunch
of crappy houses.
- Matt and his friend
Trey Parker
found a way to take out
their anger of being different
in Littleton
and turn it not into carnage,
but into a cartoon.
"Just another Sunday morning
In my quiet...
"Mountain town"
[ music ]
"You can see your breath
Hanging in the air
"You see homeless people
But you just don't care
"It's a sea of smiles
In which we'd be glad to drown
"It's Sunday morning
In our quiet little
"White-bread redneck
mountain town"
- Columbine is a normal
high school--
- Yeah.
- ...in a normal suburb--
- Yeah.
- ...you know, basically.
- Yeah. Painfully, painfully,
painfully normal.
Just absolutely, painfully,
horribly average.
Littleton in general is...
I remember being in sixth grade
and I...
had to take the math test
to get into Honors Math
in the seventh grade.
And they're, like,
"Don't screw this up.
Because if you screw this up,
you won't get into Honors Math
in seventh grade.
And if you don't get in
in seventh grade,
you won't in eighth grade,
then not in ninth grade.
And 10th and 11th grade
and you'll just die poor
and lonely."
And that's it, you know?
You believe, in high school -
and a lot of it is kids,