Bowling for Columbine

we were in their bowling class.
- In their bowling class?

- Yes.
- What's bowling class?

- Just an elective you can
take for a gym credit.

- Where's the educational value
of this, though?

- Um... I guess
there isn't really any.

- No, there's not.
- I learned how to bowl a lot
better, that's for sure.

- What were Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold like?

- Weird.
- Yeah?

- I mean, not very social.
- I didn't really know
who they were.

- Not very social, just
kinda kept to themselves.

- How good a bowlers
were Eric and Dylan?

- When we played them,
all I remember is they
were just, like, crazy.

They would just chuck the ball.
- Chuck it down there.

- Throw the ball down; didn't
really care how they bowled.

- Yeah, they didn't really
care about their scores.

Deputy Sheriff Steve Davis - What were
the suspects doing the morning of attack?

I told you that I'd heard
that they were bowling;

that's the only thing
I'm aware of.

- So did Dylan and Eric
show up that morning

and bowl two games
before moving on

to shoot up the school?
And did they just chuck
the balls down the lane?

Did this mean something?
- Um, I guess they went
to their favourite class.

- Why wasn't anyone
blaming bowling

for warping the minds
of Eric and Dylan

to commit their evil deeds?
Wasn't that just as plausible
as blaming Marilyn Manson?

After all,
it was apparently
the last thing they did

before the massacre.
But wait a minute. There's
lots of bowling going on

in other countries.
And don't they listen
to Marilyn Manson in Germany,

the home of sinister
Goth music?

- Some Gothic festival.

- Don't they watch the same
violent movies in France?

Most of the violent video
games are from Japan.

Many people in America believe
that it's the break-up
of the family unit

that's caused so many wayward
youth to turn to violence.
