- The bees never came.
Remember the first time
you heard
that someone had hidden a razor
blade in an apple at Halloween?
Before long,
kids were not permitted to go
out in the dark on Halloween
and go trick-or-treating
at strangers' homes.
- Many people say they won't give
out candy treats on Halloween.
It's too dangerous
and they're too scared.
- Well, guess what?
There never was any
razor blade in the apple.
In fact, only two kids
in the past 40 years have been
killed by Halloween candy.
And both of them were poisoned
on purpose by relatives.
- Bye.
[ reporter]: It was like
a scene from a horror movie.
This man was mowing his lawn
when a fox darted out
of the woods and attacked
his riding-mower.
- A warning about a popular
weight-loss supplement.
What you don't know
may kill you.
- You ride them every day,
but in an instant,
an escalator can mangle you
or a loved one.
- We reveal why you may be
riding on stairway to danger.
- You might want to take
some extra precautions:
keep a low profile,
don't go around dancing
with a bunch of Americans
in the streets.
Make sure that you don't draw
a lot of attention to yourself
and the fact
that you're American.
- Nation's top doctor says
one in five Americans
suffers some form
of mental disorder.
The surgeon general David
Satcher pleads with people
to seek help now.
- The media, the corporations,
the politicians,
have all done such a good job
of scaring the American public,
it's come to the point
where they don't need to give
any reason at all.
- Today, the Justice Department
did issue a...
a blanket alert.
It was in recognition of a
general threat we received.
Uh, this is not the first time
the Justice Department
have acted like this.
I hope it's the last.
But given the attitude of
the evildoers, it may not be.