Excuse me, miss?
You gonna throw all that stuff out?
Could I have one
of them pictures of Bull?
Maybe his... his Purple Heart?
I mean,
he was pretty proud of that.
And maybe that... that tin
of chocolates there?
I suppose.
The revealin' of her panties
wasn't intentional or unintentional
She just didn't give a damn
She saw me as so physically
and sexually non-threatenin'.
She didn't mind if I got
a bird's-eye view of her love nest
It was the same to her
as a house cat sneakin' a peek
I felt my pecker flutteronce like
a pigeon havin' a heart attack
then it laid back down
and remained limp and still
'Course. These days. Even a flutter
was kind of reassurin'
- Here.
- Thank you.
Bull your kin?
My daddy
Never seen you here before.
I've only been here once before.
When I checked him in.
That's three years ago, wasn't it?
You and him friends?
No, we just roommates. I mean,
he never felt good enough to say much.
I just hated to see what
was left of him go away so easy.
Seemed like an all right guy.
Mentioned you a lot.
You're... you're Callie, right?
Well... he was all right.
But not enough so you'd
come and see him, though.
Don't lay some guilt trip on me, mister.
I did what I could.
I mean, if it hadn't been for Medicaid
or Medicare... whatever that stuff was...
he'd have been
in some ditch somewhere.
And I sure didn't have the money
to take care of him.