Bubba Ho-tep

Elvis Presley. You know,
the rock and roll singer.

I thought he was dead.
Well, actually, Elvis is dead.
Mr. Haff knows that. Don't you, Mr. Haff?

Hell, no. I'm right here.
I ain't dead.

Now, Mr. Haff!
I don't mind calling you "Elvis."
But you're a little confused
and you like to play sometimes.

You were an
Elvis impersonator, remember?

You fell off the stage
and broke your hip... when was it?

Twenty years ago.
It got infected and you were
in a coma for quite a while.

You came out with a few...

Look, I was just impersonatin' myself.
I couldn't do nothin' else.

I don't have any problems.
You're tryin' to say
my brain's messed up, aren't you?

Why would you
wanna be somebody else?

I got tired of it.
I was hooked on pills, you know.
I wanted out.
And this boy Sebastian Haff...
he was an Elvis imitator.

He was the best of 'em.
He took my place.

Problem is, he had a bad heart.
He liked drugs, too.
Liked them more than I did.

So it was him that died, not me.
I just took his place.

But why would you want
to leave all that fame. Mr Presley?

All that money?
I don't know
'Cause they got old

The woman I loved... Priscilla...
she was gone

The rest of the women
were just women

I mean. The music
wasn't mine anymore

I wasn't even me anymore
Just this thing they made up

And my friends
We, they wwee succk n' moe d y
So I took a little road trip
down to Nacogdoches
