Sebastian. Sebastian! It's loose!
What's loose?
Lt. Listen.
Jesus Christ. What's that?
I thought it was Lyndon Johnson,
but I was wrong.
I've come across new evidence
to suggest another assassin.
He's after another target tonight.
Come on, I wanna show you something.
I don't think it's safe
if you go back to sleeping.
For chrissake, man.
Just tell the administrators.
Suits and white starches?
No, thank you!
I trusted them when I was back in Dallas,
and look where they got my brain and me.
I'm thinkin' with sand here.
I mean, I pick up some waves,
maybe, from my brain,
but somheday, who khows
Somebody might just disconnect
the battery at the White House.
Oh, yeah. That's something
to worry about, all right.
Listen here. Listen.
I know you're Elvis.
There was a rumor, you know,
that you hated me.
But I thought about that.