Buying the Cow

Young blood had him some balls.
I had no choice.
I was being driven by a higher power.

Call it "the lightning bolt,"
call it a connection, destiny, whatever.

- So did she write you?
- Not at first.

Every day I'd check that maiJbox.
I checked aJJ that summer, and nothing.
Then one day, it came.
It was more than I couJd've hoped for.
She professed her Jove to me.

She said that she, too,
got a joJt down her spine...

...that gJorious day we first met.
It was more beautifuJ and poetic
than she was...

...which I didn't think was possibJe
at the time.

I immediateJy wrote her back.
I toJd her that I wanted us
to run away together...

...make Jove under the stars. Make babies.
It was clear to both of us.
We belonged together.
No fear, no doubt.
- Perfect.
- Young love.

Too young. As it turned out.
ApparentJy she was an amazingJy...
...hyper-developed 11-year-old girl.
- What?
- Eleven?

Her parents found my letters and...
...quite understandably freaked out.
They contacted our JocaJ authorities...
...who swiftJy moved in to stop
the town's budding paedophiJe.

They made my father promise that
his sicko son...

...wouJd cease contact
with any more JittJe girJs.

They Jeft him to scream at me
for over an hour about...

:11:49 I could flush any chances
of a political career down the toilet.

- That's a fucked up story, man.
- You're the only people I've ever told.

Can you keep it that way?
It makes you seem kind of creepy.
