David Collins Graphics.
- Hey.
- Sarah, hey, how are you?
I just thought I'd caJJ
and see how you were.
I'm fine. How are you? How's New York?
Busy. But the city is so incredible.
I wish you were here with me. Oops, shit.
"Oops, shit," what? Why "Oops, shit"?
I made a Jist of aJJ the things
I wasn't going to...
...say to you like, "I miss you.
I wish you were here."
So how are you?
Miss you. Wish you were here, all that.
I talked to Tyler.
He and I are going to try
to get together for dinner.
So maybe I'll get to meet the fiancée.
Great. Be sure and thank them
for ruining my life.
Listen, I just wanted to let you know
that I made it here okay.
Oh. Is that it?
WeJJ, I got to get back to work.
So I shouJd go.
Yeah, me, too.
Okay. 'Bye, David.
I'm just saying,
it's been a week and a half now...
...and all you've done is sit around
the apartment. It's no good.
She wants me to give the situation
serious thought...
...that's exactly what I'm trying to do.
Finish it, Tiny!
And how's that working out so far?
Been doing a lot of thinking?
No! You are useless!
- What was that? He can't do that.
- Actually, I think he can.
She wants me to make
an informed decision...
...and I'm gonna respect that.
No, what she wants is for you
to wallow around your apartment...
...like some socially-retarded hermit.
Ante up. Who do you like?
- Give me $5 on Super Thong.
- I'm gonna take the one with the nice rack.
She is banking on your misery, bro,
hoping you'll sit around bumming out.
That's got to hurt.
And that, my friend,
is how you make an uninformed decision.