- Where did she go? Where did that girl go?
- What's your problem?
She left, crap sack.
Wait up! Stop! Stop!
Stop! Wait up! Don't go! Don't!
Quick Match Personals. May I heJp you?
I'd like to place a personal ad.
I'm sorry, can you pJease speak up?
A personal ad.
I want to place a personal...
Hello. Is anyone there?
I'm sorry. I dropped the phone. I'm here.
This is my first time.
Okay. Here goes.
...soul mate.
Potential soul mate looking
for his soul mate.
You, souJ-mate materiaJ.
Me, open, inteJJigent, and...
Who's dead? Somebody better be dead.
Hey, Tyler, it's Mikey. Did I wake you?
What time is it?
It's 1:00 in the morning, 4:00 to you.
Sorry, man.
What's wrong? What happened?
- Nothing. I just wanted to talk.
- At 4:00 in the morning?
It's cheaper.