This is about more than a job offer.
You tell me to explore,
to meet other women.
That's got nothing to do with this.
I can't make a decision until I know
all the variables...
...one of which is still in your hands.
Great. So now I'm just a variable.
This has just gotten more complicated.
Why don't you just admit it?
You love it there.
You don't want to say no to this offer
and I'm not going to be a reason you do.
Look, if you already have made up
your mind, then say so.
But don't try to hide behind
some noble gesture...
...of not holding me back.
Why don't we be fair here?
Things have changed, Sarah.
This is no longer just my decision.
You're right, it isn't.
And that's why I'm coming home early.
They're paying for me
to come home and taJk to you.
They reaJJy want me, David.
Possibly more than you do.
Oh, shit.
What's up, man?
De-bachelorising for the little lady.
She gets back today. What's up?
You didn't get me a coffee?
I didn't know how you took it.
But here, I grabbed your mail
on the way in.
So what's the verdict?
I get to comb the thrift stores
for a new, used suit or what?
Not yet. I'm just as confused as ever.
Are you all right?
- Just lock up when you leave.
- What?