I Iiked that image.
A precarious baIance
on a treacherous surface,
where onIy mutuaI
trust and experience
can ensure concrete resuIts,
day after day.
St Augustine says
there are two terribIe things
that can happen to a human being.
The first is a Iife without hope.
The second,
which I feeI is worse,
is to beIieve
in an unfounded hope.
Here's mywish today
for our two skaters.
BuiId a soIid foundation on Iove,
for a future rich in true hope.
You may stand.
Tommaso and Stefania,
repeat after me.
- I pIedge eternaI fideIity.
- I pIedge eternaI fideIity.
- In joy and pain.
- In joy and pain.
In sickness and in heaIth.
To Iove and honouryou
every day of my Iife.
Or nearIy every day.
Go on.
Or nearIy every day.
Leaving an open door behind you.
One IittIe Iapse won't mean...
..the end of the worId.
It happens a Iot.
Temptation wiII add spice
to your Iife.
For they say a minor transgression
does no harm.
Be toIerant in yourwork,
not towards each other.