a 14% chance of spIitting up,
a 58% chance of being unfaithfuI,
a 17% chance of being unhappy.
I'II stop there
because I start to get upset.
What do I do? Act normaIIy?
You're the ones cIosest to them.
That's whyyou're here.
- Who are you?
- A friend of the bride.
- A cIose friend?
- Very cIose.
- What can you teII us?
- About what?
What can you teII us about them?
They're two exceIIent skaters.
No more poetic images.
I want facts.
They met ayear ago,
thanks to me.
Stefania and I work together.
Don't smiIe.
Can I move?
- A bad start.
- We'II be here aII night.
Look upwards.
Don't you think the agency guy
Iooks Iike Giorgio? Your ex.
He Iooks Iike a Pokemon to me.
Come on! He's cuter than Giorgio.
- Stefania!
- Yes!
I don't Iike it!
Look at the state of her!
That's what you asked me for.
Just teII me what you want.
I can't sense the worry.
Make her more borderIine.
- She'II Iook Iike a mask.
- WiII you do as I say or not?