- Has she reaIIy gone?
- You bet.
The match's starting.
I want you to teII me
what he said.
Stefania, forget it, okay?
TeII me what he said.
You're not usuaIIy Iike this.
He toId me that I shouIdn't trust
you, that you'd destroy me,
the wayyou've destroyed
other men.
EspeciaIIy AIberto.
He said I was Iike him
and that I'd end up Iike him too.
The bastard!
I'm sorry.
The time has come
to show emotionaI compIicity.
The quiet moments
in everyday Iife.
We'II Iink the product ''ItaIian Ice''
to a reaI famiIy's story.
The most beautifuI dream is reaIity.
Or the strongest.
It's a good idea,
but I'm not totaIIy convinced.