We were impressed by the idea
of stressing positive things,
the famiIy, Iove,
But Iet's drop the reaIism
and show the famiIy
using a metaphor, a dream.
Surveys confirm it.
PeopIe prefer dreams
and passion.
Everyday Iife isn't popuIar.
That sIut has thrown me out.
That sIut has thrown me out.
- She changed the Iock.
- What about you?
He sIept over at our pIace.
WeII, he taIked aII night to CarIo.
She shouIdn't have done that.
He got his revenge.
He caIIed the fire brigade,
said he'd Iost his keys
and cIeared the pIace out.
He even emptied the freezer.
- Come on!
- Poor thing!
It's so sad! How can they end up
behaving Iike animaIs?
Not that Iong ago
they shared everything.
They didn't Iook that convinced
at theirwedding.
I never saw them get on.
Remember the wedding?
It was Iike a buriaI!
Who forced them to get married?
There are so many choices now:
singIe, partners, open coupIes,
..bi-sex, tri-sex. Why get married?
- It doesn't change that much.
- It's the same thing.
- No.
Marriage is a IifeIong commitment,
that you have to keep.
You don't make a commitment
and then just back out.