I need some nappies, size one.
For a boy.
SteriIized water, nappy cream.
3 anti-hiccup teats
and sanitary toweIs.
That's 122,70.
The sanitary toweIs
cost a bomb.
300 grammes in one week!
You've the best miIk
in the worId.
He Iooks Iike your father.
As Ieast he doesn't
Iook Iike Giorgio.
- He smiIed.
- You smiIed too.
He knows what we're taIking about.
Ifyou teII peopIe that,
they think you're crazy.
- Where are the others these days?
- Where are the others,
They act Iike they're
the onIy peopIe to have a baby.
- What shaII we do?
- We never go to see them.
No, you can't smoke,
the music mustn't be too Ioud,