Mummy's darIing!
What's the matter?
Mummy's here.
You're a IittIe deviI.
Have you got a cough?
You're having a bad night.
Daddy's sIeeping.
- You can come back to work.
- Who wouId I Ieave him with?
Bring him to the studio.
HoId it!
- I'd better go.
- Why not a baby-sitter?
- CongratuIations on the baby.
- Thanks.
- But don't come compIaining.
- I'm not.
I wonderwhat it is!
''Hi, MiIan!''
And everyone cheers!
''WeIcome to the concert!''
Vasco, Vasco, Vasco!
This is Vasco Rossi.
Freedom and transgression!
What's up?
- A grey hair!
- You gave me a fright.
- Let me see.
- Not the scrap yard!
- Scrap yard.
- You'II Ieave us for a bimbo.