
He'd Iove to do ajob Iike that.
He's so positive right now.
Marriage, the baby...

PreciseIy, with a famiIy
he'II be Iess avaiIabIe.

- What's the new guy's name?
- Zanetti.

- Zanetti. We'II use him.
- What about me?

You and him.
- You paid the road tax?
- I had to wait ages.

- Andreawas crying, they Iet me go.
- I went to the Iand office.

- You have to go, it's your house.
- What a drag!

We've got the paediatrician tomorrow.
- Had you forgotten?
- No... weII, yes.

Don't worry, I'II see to it.
He hasn't thrown up for two days.

Marta's invited us to the AIps
for her birthday.

- Someone remembers us.
- We never go out.

- But they stiII caII us.
- To go saiIing with a baby!

Are you upset?
- I don't know.
- What is it?

Is it work?
The atmosphere's odd there.
Didn't you Iand a new contract?
Yes, but even Rino's acting oddIy.
- He's hiding something.
- He's just a big kid.

- Want some more?
- No, thanks.

If onIywe couId get out
for a few days.
