I move from two drawers into a closet,
I get my name on the mailbox...
...and I get controlling share
of the remote control.
Darling, come on I'm teasing you here.
You know how I feel about you.
How long do you plan
on feeling that way?
Well, according to this one...
...until the stars fall from the sky
and the Earth stops spinning.
No, seriously, Mark.
Do you honestly believe
two people can be so happy together...
...they'd want it to last forever?
Happily ever after?
It's kind of a clichéd notion, no?
Yeah, I think so.
What does that mean?
Happily ever after?
After what? After taxes?
After the divorce?
Darling, maybe it means a surprise,
"They are happy after all."
Where is all this coming from?
Is that desert air getting to you?
Don't you ever wonder
if there's something more?
Life is for fun.
Take the chances that it gives you...
...and make the best of it.
What else is there?
That's just it. I don't know.
Sure New York has its museums,
Broadway, two good baseball teams...
...but there was one thing it didn't have
and I wanted Charly to experience it.
Excuse me.
Yes, you.
Is the fishing any better over there?
We are having no luck over here.