You said you wanted to talk.
There'll be plenty of
time to talk... later.
Remember St. Angelos?
Yah, didn't the health department
close that place down?
Horrible miscarriage of justice.
It was one late evening.
I'd come in for a dozen hot wings,
and there she was.
The most extraordinarily
gorgeous woman I'd ever seen...
...sitting in front of an
Angelo's Gargantuan.
Our eyes met. She winked.
I never winked.
Pardon me, Miss, this is my story.
She winked, invitingly.
I sat down beside her.
It was a big pizza.
Then her date arrived.
How inconvenient.
He thought they were getting it to go.
We decided to stay.
Poor fellow.
Cute, but predictable.
Maybe she likes predictable?
Not this girl.
She'd never paint by the numbers.
She might find someone special.
But she'd never settle.
Not for someone like him.
What if she changed?
She wouldn't. Not really.
How do you know?
Because I'm sitting
beside her right now...
...and it's as though she never left.