especially when your kid is me.
Here he comes.
Here he comes.
I taught him that move.
Basically, we were at war...
and I wasn't going
to let him win.
I am not going
to let you win!
Now, he used to threaten
to send me away all the time...
and I would threaten him
with running away from home.
Sammy was always there
to talk me out of it.
That's a big-ass suitcase.
Listen, Handsome, I need
some help with geometry.
You know, some secret help.
Geometry? I don't go
to school anymore.
But everybody
has to go to school.
Not me.
Listen, Handsome, this is crazy.
Where are you gonna sleep?
Well, I'm not sleeping
at the nut house.
My dad told me that
they got kids there...
that eat their own shit
with a fork and knife.
-Yes. Really.
Hello, world!
Now, this used to happen
all the time...
but Sammy knew that I was
always gonna come back...
and I was always
going to help him cheat.
Did you say something
about geometry?
You bet your frickin' ass
I did.
And by the time
we got to high school...
Sammy and I had taken cheating
to a whole other level.
We had gone from
small-time spelling bees...
to mid-terms, finals,
and everything in between.
You name it, we stole it.
Now, there were two other guys
we always worked with.
Everything's cool?
Now, Sammy and l
may have hated school...
but Victor hated everything.
His motto was,
"l hate everything."
Now, we all took our jobs
very seriously...
You finished yet?
But nobody took it
as seriously as Applebee.