And they said you were
behind the whole thing.
you tell me the truth...
and I promise I won't be
that hard on you.
Jonathan Jacob Applebee.
Nestle's Crunch.
That's all I'm saying.
I am sick and tired
of your special ed bullshit!
Jonathan Jacob Applebee.
Nestle's Crunch.
That's all I'm saying.
I'm still not sure
what it is...
you were doing
up in the ceiling...
We were getting candy.
but I know you weren't
getting candy.
I also know that you've been
pulling detention on purpose...
so that you could be alone
in school with Marty.
You ought to be ashamed
of yourselves.
If I punish you for cheating...
it will have to go
on the permanent record...
so instead I am reducing it...
to destruction
of school property.
That'll be
three days suspension...
and your parents
have to come to school...
and I'm gonna tell them
what I'm telling you.
This is your final warning.
I hope you're happy.
I hope you're happy.
Three-day suspension.
Is this how I brought you up?
Your behavior
is completely inappropriate.
Two words:
Dog porn.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Don't bullshit me, Dad.
It was in the corner
of the closet.